Tuesday, November 24, 2009


As I watch this year draw to a close I am tempted to give it a swift kick in the rear. This was not an easy year. But sitting this morning ready to write and listening to Let There Be Peace On Earth, I realize it has been a year filled with more blessings than angst, hidden in the layers of torment. Through quiet reflection I understand I have much to be thankful for.

~ My father lived another year with two kinds of cancer.

~ My mother put away the demons that have made parts of her life so agonizing.

~ My oldest son survived when the doctors said he wouldn’t, and I will spend Christmas night with him.

~ My younger son showed incredible depth of character, lifting me up with surprising strength when I needed him most, and I will spend Christmas morning with him.

~ My breast biopsy was negative.

~ Complete strangers reached out and surrounded me with love during the darkest hour of my life.

~ I lost my job which humbled me and opened many doors to new opportunities.

~ I followed a calling and started an organization that will bring hope to the homeless through the gift of books.

~ I made friends with people across the country who have touched my life with wonder.

~ I rediscovered the gifts of my siblings and put to rest the burdens of the past.

~ I reconnected with God, who sat by my son’s bedside while his brother and I cried, then took our hands and walked beside us every step of the way.

Thank you God, for all these blessings that have given new purpose to my life. Thank you for the gifts of my family, the love of my two sons, and the hope I hold in my hands. I am one lucky girl.