Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A YEAST Infection????

So everything from yesterday and last night apparently has been caused by a yeast infection in the IV lines. A YEAST infection? When the infectious disease doctor came to tell me, I looked at him for a minute like, And so? It just didn't register that all that .... temp up to 104.8, heart rate up to high 160's, everything just going crazy, was due to something as seemingly simple as a yeast infection.

This morning the white cell count was still around 6.8, which is NOTHING compared to where it has been when he was septic (44,000), or brewing the VRE infection before. Doctors were all scratching their heads trying to figure this out. His temp was starting to rise again this morning, up to 101.9, his heart rate still in the 140's, and we were preparing for another CT Scan (and believe me, Parker HATES those and was asking for anxiety meds already), when they came in to tell me.

This up and down is wearing me out, but I'm okay, I am good, I am happy at this odd way of receiving good news. When the doctor told me, after I had a minute to let it register that the root was so simple, (having said that, I am assuming a yeast infection is simple) I burst into tears. The doctor laughed and winked at me. Parker was so relieved, he kept mouthing over and over, That's it? That's all it was?

My friend Marge, who volunteers in the ICU waiting room where I am now, said Dr. Bissett is the best infectious disease doctor I could ask for. Thank you God for sending him our way! Thank you God for lifting Parker up, holding him in your Light, and helping us climb another mountain.

I love you, Parker. Rest well today.

P.S. Yesterday the large family (like 35 people large) that have invaded the waiting room, got called from the school one of their kids attends. The kid had to be picked up because she had a fever. So the family brought her here, to the ICU waiting room, in a hospital, to infect everyone else with whatever she has. Classy.

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