Friday, February 19, 2010

Lately ~ From Parker

Parker wrote this on his Facebook page:

"For all of the people who have been asking questions lately about how I've been over the past year with my health issues and all, I figured I'd give you a little bit of an update. Physically, I hurt, but I am progressing and will, hopefully, soon be able to go about living life as usual for me.

Mentally, it's a whole different story. I have a lot of issues with sleeping, re-living things that nobody should go through in the first place. I also live in a kind of fear all the time, fear that something will tear, move, stretch... I've spent 6 of the last 12 months flat on my back in a hospital bed, and it is not something that I want to do again.

When I can finally get to sleep, it is often interrupted and not very relaxing. I can't work right now, which really, really sucks. I need to get back to work, I need to have some kind of purpose other than sitting here all day with just my thoughts. A man can go crazy when left alone with just his thoughts.

That's enough for now. Like I said, physically, I'm on the mend, but mentally, I'm a wreck. Hopefully that will begin moving towards normal in the future. I really hope so. Ok, thanks for wondering about how things are going, and I will update you guys at a later point.


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