Thursday, June 4, 2009

72 Hours!

I have 72 hours to call my own. Wooo-Hoooo!!! John is here for a few days and is staying at the hospital with Parker. I slept at the room in the League House last night for the first time in almost a month. It was weird and I wasn't sure how to sleep on a real bed anymore.

After checking in this morning and talking to the doctors a bit, I am now at Parker's apartment with big plans between now and Sunday morning. I am going to: research agents; edit some more of the book; sleep through the night THREE TIMES; watch the French Open; have a bubble bath; eat chocolate (oh darn! I forgot the chocolate!!!); visit a friend; sleep some more; edit some more; watch the Belmont for a lot of hours on Saturday afternoon; and with any luck.... NOT worry!

Parker is moving forward with great progress. Little concerns about his edema and the amount that has swollen his abdomen even more, but they gave him a little bit of Lasix yesterday and might again today. The concern is that his blood pressure is up slightly as a result. But I am trying not to think about it.

I had an email from a friend yesterday who told me James had expressed concern for my welfare, for the fact that I live in that hospital room and sleep in the chair and don't eat well. I love him so much for that concern. A part of me feels a little guilty that I can walk out of the hospital for a few days while Parker is still unable to get up and walk out himself. Don't worry, a couple of good nights sleep will get me over it.

For then past two days Parker has walked twice a day, and has started sitting in the big chair, trying to get used to being vertical. His equilibrium is all off now, and he gets dizzy quickly. His muscles are weak and he feels like he started two-a-day practices three days ago after a summer of lounging in his pajamas. Meaning he is sore. But! He's alive! Sore = alive and thank you God for that blessing!

The picture is of bluebonnets and indian paintbrush, both native to Texas and abundant in the spring. I put the picture up because it is of a meadow, and my goal in life is to live in a meadow. The picture is a gentle reminder to keep my eye on the prize.....

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