Tuesday, June 2, 2009


Austin is one of the the most popular cities in the country for young, primarily single people. But almost no one who lives here is from here. Most of the nurses and CA's have lived here only a few years. One of the most fun parts of Parker's and my day is talking to them about where they came from and what brought them here.

Isn't it great that there are now moments in our life that are fun???

Most of the people we've made friends with are young, under 32, and are attracted to the climate which offers year round outdoor activities. There is a constant mix of events like relays, river and lake sports, outdoor concerts, BBQ cook offs, Tex Mex contests, Eeyore's Birthday Festival, farmer's markets, bike races, charity walks, and sidewalk art shows that clog the highways even at midnight.

A big draw to Austin is the unique music scene that gave us Willie Nelson, Stevie Ray Vaughan, George Strait, James McMurtry and many more artists whose music is a little left of center. Austin is known as the live music capitol of the world and has its own a cable channel called M.E. that show cases Austin bands and musicians everyday.

As I mentioned before, the Colorado River runs along the southern edge of downtown Austin, but it is called a lake. I still haven't figured that out, but I have to admit it is lovely to drive over that bridge. The city has kept the shores clean and maintains the natural trees and bushes growing along its edge. All over the city businesses boast signs announcing their work at keeping, or reintroducing, the natural flora of the hill country around their buildings to encourage the wildlife to stay put.

Along with the lakes out west of Austin, which are filled with swimmers and boaters almost all year long, the blue skies of TX seem to deepen their hue right over this city, and the sunsets are magnificent. Over Memorial Day Weekend we watched fireworks explode over the "lake" just on the other side of the bright orange UT tower. Even the fireworks display seemed a litte more magnificent than any other I'd seen. Most likely because I couldn't hear the noise, which startles me like a popping balloon.

Parker has made so many friends here in the hospital and even if they are not assigned to his room on a particular day, that doesn't stop them from popping their heads in to say hello and see how he's doing. He's kind of a miracle patient. No one thought he'd make it, and he did. He DID!!! And all his new friends want to be part of his progress. Not to mention he's just a great guy and people are drawn to him. Especially now that he can talk and his personality is coming out again.

He talks about wanting to buy a little house outside of Austin, possibly near Buda, where he can have a yard and a small garden. And he talks about going back to school, finding what he is supposed to be doing. Why he lived. What is his purpose. What can he do with his life going forward that will make a difference. He talks about that a lot.

When this ordeal is over, before I go back to MD, we are having a big party on one of the lakes and we're inviting all the people who have contributed to his getting well. Also we decided that each time I write (starting the next time) I will write a little bit about each of the people who are a part of his day. Each of them have their own stories, sort of like the ponies in The Tugboat Chronicles. We want to be sure we capture their personalities, and a little of their life stories, on this blog as they have played a huge role in the biggest challenge of Parker's life.

John comes today. Parker has no memory if his being here since before he went to ICU. I know this made John sad, but he has to remember, Parker knew at the time he was here and that made all the difference in his recovery. The medications have an amnesia effect on purpose, and there is so much of the last two months Parker doesn't need to remember anyway, it is just as well. But he is eager to see his Dad, and feeling a little emotional about the reunion.

I will be clearing out and spending a few much needed days off at Parker's apartment. I need sleep, but I think it is a luxury for me to be able to step aside for 48 hours when Parker is chained to this disease, to this recovery, and he gets no breaks at all.

I love you Parker, and I miss you James.

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