Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Three Months

Parker and I wanted to thank the nurses and CA's today for their part in helping him make it through three really tough months. We've got a long way to go, but there are people on this floor we have not only made friends with, but who often bring us the only bright spots on difficult days. We wanted to do something to recognize their part in his recovery. Something small.

Nurse Nancy (tall Nurse Nancy, not the short one we asked to not have come back....) told me about a neighborhood not far away she thought I would like. All the nurses AND the doctors are encouraging me to leave the hospital for a few hours each afternoon, so they made up a list of places to go that are not far and are free or super cheap. This afternoon I made a trip to a half price used book store that has fat, cushy chairs placed throughout the store. I spent several hours leafing through the pages of a book on Wyoming photography.

Later I stopped at Quack's Coffee Shop and bought some funny cookies for our friends. That's what the photo is of ... the cookies. I got the lobster cookies because I miss Bay Head, the gingerbread men because they were motorcycle men and made me laugh, the flowers for obvious reasons (hello Hoover-Fisher!!!), and the rainbows in case any of the people here were gay.

The cookies were a hit. Amy and Jessica got theirs first and, after I pulled out two for Lisa who won't be here until tomorrow, the others pretty much flew out of the box. And yes, one of the guys was very pleased I thought to get rainbow cookies.

Parker had two good PT and OT sessions today. PT worked on endurance stuff ~ marching in place, standing as long as he could stand (today was close to 6 minutes including the marching), sitting in the big chair so we can push him out to the courtyard someday soon. OT started working on things like standing to brush his teeth, comb his hair, leaning left and right so someday he can put on his own socks and pants again. Anything to do with every day life that he has to re-learn how to do. Once again, thank you God for the opportunity to have to re-learn these things.

Dr, Driskoll said the lab reports suggest a possible blood clot formation again so he is increasing the Lovanox and will have the ultra sound people come and take a look at his legs again, just to be sure. I'm glad he is being cautious.

Tomorrow will be the first day Parker's Dilauded is reduced by half AND he won't get the extra pain med Dr. Garcia gave him for a couple of days. Should be swell..... :-)

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