Thursday, June 11, 2009

Red Badge of Courage

Just when I thought he had shown me all he had, Parker rose to the challenge before him and pushed himself past what progress was expected or hoped for this entire week. And it's just past lunchtime.

This was supposed to be one of the hardest days he has faced since coming off the ventilator in ICU. The night was long and weary, as can be seen from the post I wrote below at 4:am TX time.

This morning when Eric came (the Occupational Therapist seen in the photo) Parker got that determined-little-boy face on, stood up for a total of 10 minutes (that was the total for the whole day yesterday), PUT ON HIS SUPER HERO PAJAMA SHORTS (with assistance, but he did most of the work himself), brushed his teeth while standing, combed his hair while standing (which is tricky because reaching his arms over his head causes him to lose his balance and once he fell back onto the bed faster than Eric and I could catch him), AND marched in place!

Parker, YOU are my hero!

His reward is that this afternoon, after he does his endurance work of marching in place, Martin and I are putting him in the wheelchair and taking him out to the third floor courtyard for his first breath of fresh air since April 2nd! More photos later!

1 comment:

  1. This is a cool way to stay informed. Thank you. I am relatively sure we will be down to see Parker in slightly more than a week.

