Friday, August 7, 2009


Yup, I'm sore. Pits and buns. Ouch!

Parker got up to 7 minutes walking on the treadmill today. His goal is to walk a mile before we go see my parents the end of this month, right before he returns to work. A mile on the treadmill, not a mile in the 104 degree heat. He still has to hold the sides for balance, but for someone who was on his back in a hospital bed for three months, that is AWESOME!!! And he only stood up for the first time less than two months ago.

I'm so proud of his determination. We discovered there are machines he cannot use because of the effect they have on his abdomen and the risk of ripping the mesh holding him together. But going to the fitness center, even with limited work, is giving him a sense of taking control of his life again, in addition to re-building his cardiac strength. That's progress.

1 comment:

  1. Like I said before, he is a BAD-ASS-DUDE. (You can quote me on that)

    Friends out West
