Friday, May 8, 2009

Nurse Ratchett

I put up that photo because last night's nurse really pissed me off this morning and and I am trying to get over it. Hmpf! That is Scout saying, I miss you Parker!

Yesterday the tube going into Parker's cyst, the tube that was draining the infected pus from it, came out. Not sure now if he pulled it out or if it came out when he had physical therapy. Dr. Garcia said he is going to leave it out and if he starts up with the high fever thing again they will do a CT Scan and check it again. Progress.

Today is a BIG day in the life of Parker. They are going to try and help him sit up in the bed. He's been flat on his back for four weeks now (in the hospital for two months this coming Sunday!) and Dr. Garcia said sitting up will help his gut heal.

Yesterday he was on the trach collar all day, until 7:30 last night. This means he is breathing more and more on his own. He was exhausted by the end of the day, and his lungs sounded somewhat crackly, so they put him back on the vent and he fell right to sleep.

During the day yesterday Parker waved me over to his bedside. He mouthed, Mom, help me get to my truck. Let's get out of here! He is still convinced there has been some mistake and he is not supposed to be here. :-) The other day he told John, I'm not happy with this! I want to speak with my Senator!

Big days coming up. Please keep him in your prayers as we try to push past this next hurdle.

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