Saturday, May 16, 2009

So Spoiled

I am feeling so spoiled today. After two months of sitting all day, every day in a dark hospital room, watching the flashing neon numbers that tell me if Parker's heart rate is going up, or blood pressure is going down, or heart rhythm is mis-firing, or temperature is going up..... I am taking the afternoon off.

It's a little scary. James is here (can I tell you how incredible it feels to have someone else here with me?) and is going to spend the afternoon sitting with his brother so they can talk. When James left to go back to MD to take his final exams, Parker had been unconscious for almost three weeks, so Parker doesn't remember that he was here.

Well, let me rephrase that. Parker KNEW at the time his brother was here, and I know without a shadow of doubt that his hearing James' voice that horrible night, knowing he was here, made a difference, helped Parker turn a corner. On that first night they told me we were losing him. But depending on when you ask Parker if he remembers James being here, you will get a different answer. It depends on how much medication Parker has had when you ask him. Not how much he'd been on before.

Anyway, so James is going to go sit with him, Parker will put his new passea ver valve over his trach tube so he can talk to James (even though he says it makes him sound like an old lady) and James can catch Parker up on all the news about the Cowboys, the movies that have come out over the past two months that they would like to see together, and all the other things that are particular to their relationship as brothers who love each other so much.

And me? I am heating up the Vidalia Onion Dip my good friend Meridy sent me, and I am going to eat it with Lime Tortilla Chips while I watch BOTH Rolex and the Preakness on tv and soak my feet in the hot water foot spa my Mom just sent me (with a whole lot of chocolate in the box, too!)

Can't quite beat that for a rainy Austin afternoon off, can you???

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