Wednesday, June 17, 2009

Funnies For Balance

Pain management team meeting is tomorrow morning. They re-arranged some of his drugs for the night in the hopes he will be knocked out and, at the very least, he will sleep until we can start whatever it is they've decided to do tomorrow.

It is really good to have a few funnies sprinkled into our day. The picture on the left is of one of our favorite CA's, Jessica. She knows how to make Parker smile and brings popsicles from the outside world and sneaks them in to him. We did have a laugh over the shape of those particular popsicles (um.... rocket shaped?). I never realized how important it is to laugh until people like Jessica reminded me. She always comes in to Parker's room with something to contribute to our need for laughter.

Amy gave us several moments of laughter today, too. First, she was having a rough day herself, so she popped her head in to say when she was done with what she was working on, she was going to come into Parker's room because she needed some vacation time. She said his room is like being on vacation because Parker makes her smile. That was a big hit.

Then, while she was here, some of the medication Parker just started on began working and he had to get on the commode pretty quickly. Amy helped me unhook him, take the air out of the bed, and get him situated. Parker was sitting there with some rather indelicate sounds coming from his belly and he commented it feels really weird doing that in front of a girl his own age.

Amy laughed and said, Yeah, it's kind of like the first date when you don't know whether to hug with your butt out or tucked in!

I don't think I have laughed that hard since the tube draining the gook out of Parker's abdomen got tangled all around his private area, AND stuck up his butt crack and poor Lisa, bless her heart, had to untangle it. There are just some things a mother shouldn't have to do......

Parker gave me permission to share those little scenes with you. He's a good sport.

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