Thursday, June 18, 2009

Look At Him Go!!!

100' today folks, AND he got to push the button on the elevator! He wanted so badly to push the button himself, something normal. His shorts are too big and falling off so he had to walk while holding them up. Other than that he was pretty steady. PT Lindsey is on the left in red, and nurse Miranda is on the right. I bring up the rear, wheelchair and camera in hand.

The pain management plan is in effect! Started him on a new drug today which will allow us to wean him off the Dilaudid over the next few weeks. He is also on a drug that is supposed to help resolve the ileus by blocking the effects of opiates on the gut. His wound-vac was changed today and the wound looks a lot smaller. For the first time I could see the actual granulation of new flesh growing up from below the plastic mesh in his abdomen.

Every day has new challenges and new opportunities. We embrace everything with the knowledge that at one time I thought I'd be spending this month in mourning. The pain doctor said when she was reading through Parker's files (there are books and books of files), it was amazing to her to sit and talk to him and see him sitting up in a bed holding a conversation, having read where he came from and how close he was to losing his life so many times.

I am so grateful. Thank you God. Again and again.

Parker told Dr. Burg that today, for the first time, he felt he could see the finish line. It is exciting and scary at the same time. It reminded me of when Parker was born. I had read every book I could get my hands on about pregnancy, childbirth and raising an infant. It was an obsession. We were in the hospital five days (C-Section) and when we finally went home, I sat in the back seat, next to Parker's car seat, ready to throw my body in front of his if John had to put on the brakes too fast. I remember looking at his tiny ear and bursting into tears, telling John I wanted to go back to the hospital where they knew what they were doing. Even with all that reading, I felt I totally unprepared to be responsible for our baby by ourselves.

It feels a little like that, except this time I can't rock him to sleep on my shoulder.

This is a photo of Nurse Miranda. She has been our nurse several times and is very calm, nothing seems to rattle her. I imagine her serenity comes from her spiritual life. She is also exceptionally photogenic. She shared her wedding photos with me one day and they looked like something out of a bride's magazine. She is the nurse whose brother-in-law is the Center for Oklahoma State University football team, and is expected to be drafted in the 4th round next year. We are happy when we see her name listed as assigned to our room.

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