Friday, April 24, 2009

Post Surgery Update

Another long day. Very, very exhausted. Surgery went fine, post surgery is a little stressful. It will take a couple of days for Parker to begin to relax with the trach tube in his wind pipe. He doesn't have any idea of anything that has happened, so he was getting pretty agitated tonight. And frightened. The nurse, Zhan (pronounced Jan), said sometimes the Adavan he has been taking for anxiety will cause hm to be more anxious when he comes out of it, so she is reluctant to give it to him.

I tried to explain to him that he had been through a lot and he was in the final steps toward recovery (a generous exaggeration, but I thought maybe I could will it to happen by saying it to him) and if he could stay quiet for a couple more days all that stuff would be coming off him. Sometimes he seemed to understand, other times he turned from me and pushed my hand away.

I am going to try and get some sleep in my chair-bed in the waiting room.


  1. Hang in there Nanci. Sending all our positive vibes your way.

    Love - Staci, Heather, Annabel, Sam & Cole

  2. The Adavan (and any drug like it ) will require a withdrawal period - the least of your worries. Zhan sounds like a great nurse. I have a really good feeling about Parker. Try to get some rest. I know you won't, but it had to be said. Peace, grace, prayers, Eileen Morrow
